Announcing: New game-changing system for guitarists aged 40+ needing a clear plan of EXACTLY what to practice
If you can tune up you can join 23,434 others and
headline option #1
Transform your guitar playing in One week by doing this
One thing for just
4 minutes
per day
headline option #2
Transform your guitar playing in
less than one week
with this breakthrough
9-minute per day
guitar system
headline option #3
Breakthrough 4-Minute Per Day System takes A blind 82-year-old guitarist who struggled for 40+ years to playing REAL songs and stunning his family in just
1 Week
..All WITHOUT theory, scales, OR even chords while practicing for 8 minutes 34 seconds per day
Average student age - 67. Many had arthritis, a "death grip" but saw results from day 1.
If they can do it, so can you. Read on to find out about these exclusive 4-Minute Workouts.
Sound unbelievable?
Not if you believe the words of the 100s of previously frustrated guitarists around the world now playing the BEAUTIFUL songs they've been desperately trying to learn for years.

How this student instantly SOLVED the one single issue ruining the playing of 1000s of guitarists every day
From the studio of guitar teacher, Dan Thorpe...
Dear guitarist,
If you want to know exactly what to practice each day and...
...Play songs that will stun yourself and your loved ones faster than a rapid fire Jimi Hendrix guitar solo read on...
Here's what this is about...
My name's Dan Thorpe and I'm here today because I want to give you something called the "7-Day Guitar Transformation System".
But before I give you access to this simple method, I want to tell you how it was created and...
Why this simple system will work for you, no matter how frustrating you find the guitar and especially if you've been trying for years or even decades...
This is NOT something I made up on the spot. In fact, I've spent 11 years working on the foundations of this system for you...

...And last year became an author of two best-selling Amazon books with 629+ reviews and counting...
So after helping guitarists all 'round the world I want to help you too.
So this is how it began...
A few months ago, I got an email from Lee asking for guitar lessons.
What happened next shocked me.
As he stepped into my studio, this big, tough guy broke down and dropped this bombshell as he said:
"I've been struggling on guitar for 40 years. I can't even play a song. I've been trying so hard. I could cry."
To make it worse he said:
"My wife laughed at me when I played her favourite song"
Lee was humiliated.
He would hide away, practising in near silence so he'd never feel that shame again.
On the long lonely road of trying to learn guitar he had tried everything - YouTube lessons, countless courses and books, and even spent a total of $8k on private lessons...
But... his chords still buzzed, his songs were still unrecognisable and...
His fingers were so sore they looked like they were about to bleed.
Sadly, Lee said
"Dan, I'm a retired firefighter, I've done triathlons, and trekked the Himalayas. I've worked hard all my life but..."

"The guitar is the hardest thing I've ever tried. I only want to play for myself - what's wrong with me?!

Lee confided he was secretly jealous of his guitar playing friends.
He was full of guilt and finding reasons NOT to practice... even though playing guitar was a lifelong dream.
His motivation practice had come to a screeching stop.
When his friends made fun of him for not knowing any songs even though he's "played" guitar for years, Lee had enough.
He was ready to quit.
...But little did he know, all this time, his practice was lacking just ONE critical thing...
It's the one thing that instantly removed tension, made his songs sound beautiful, dramatically increased his motivation, and transformed his playing almost overnight.
Thankfully he tried this one thing...
And the results shocked me...
So let me show you now...
How this one simple thing can transform your guitar playing in just 7 days
I'll be honest, at this point I was trying something new.
Over the 11 years of teaching in person I'd already discovered the "7 Pro Secrets" that were the difference between success and failure for students...
But it usually took weeks for students to make big progress.
Until I tried these "4-Minute" guitar workouts.
These were inspired from when I was at the gym and got a personal trainer.
My trainer gave me a series of exercises that got me in great shape.
I thought, what if I try this for guitar?
So, I'd put a 4-minute routine together for Lee.
Which was based on improving technique, reducing tension, and improving dexterity and...
How quickly he improved his memory, motivation and musicality was astounding - A real lightbulb moment...

Lee simply copied me doing a series of super simple guitar exercises.
And within moments I could see Lee looking calmer and more relaxed.
And best of all, the burning passion for guitar was still there in his eyes.
So, I got Lee to film me doing the 4-Minute routine again on his smartphone.
Now he could practice it every day for a week between our next lesson.
When he came back for his next lesson a week later, I was stunned.
Lee said:
"I can't believe how much I look forward to practicing and much more confident I now feel."
He was relaxed, motivated and full of confidence as he knew exactly what to practice every day.
He even tried playing Wonderful Tonight by Eric Clapton.
Which was his wife's favourite song...
She was amazed.
It brought tears to her eyes...
...And rekindled a spark in their marriage that long seem to have faded.

Now fast forward to today...
Although his playing is not yet perfect, Lee loves practising every day.
He's confident enough to jam with his friends who he used to be jealous of.
Lee laughs that they're now even jealous of him.
He has played 4 open-mic gigs and last week even went into a recording studio to record his first song.
But what is more special, is the feeling of self-worth, and confidence Lee has, and the sheer passion and lust for life.
He says "I FEEL like more of a man again...
I've got my mojo back, and it's like I've turned the clock back 40 years".
Now, I'll show you the tried and tested guitar secrets so you too can get these game changing results...
You might find yourself saying…
“I've lost my motivation to practice. I have no clear plan of what to practice and...I feel like I am worse than I was a month ago!
But I have no idea why!”
Well, I’ve discovered that for 95% of guitarists learning later in life, it's something called the "Random Practice Effect" that is the real cause of painstakingly slow progress.
That means it's NOT a lack of ability causing slow progress and it’s NOT your fault.
The truth is guitar tuition is broken. Most teachers struggle to show students a clear plan on precisely what to practice, and this causes them to struggle needlessly for years or even decades.
That's why I've spent 11 years and 10,000+ hours of teaching guitarists just like you my breakthrough 4-Minute Workouts.
These are based on getting you to...
Improve faster using the simple "7 Pro Secrets" as used by Eric Clapton, Jimi Hendrix, Keith Richards and other legends
This system is now trusted by over 23,434 adult guitarists and has given them countless game-changing “lightbulb” moments.
And rid them of the feeling of being lost or frustrated when they play guitar for good.
Think of the 4-Minute Workouts as a clear roadmap through a jungle of confusion that will ensure you can confidently play beautiful music anytime, know exactly what to practice, and have rock-solid motivation all in less than 7 days...
And for the frustrating, long lonely nights wondering if you are good enough to be a distant memory.
Better yet...
It's been used 23,434 times and it's even perfect for absolute beginners
...I've refined this system so it specifically works for all guitarists...
Even if you feel you have no "natural talent" or you've struggled on and off with the guitar for years...
You won't even even need to read music or know how to read TAB.
This might sound impossible and you might think it won't work for you but...
Now I'll show how if you can simply tune up your guitar, you too can get these rapid results.
I'm proud to release it today and it's called...
The 7-Day Transformation System
If you think you are too old or don't have enough "talent", then read what Jerry says:
"I've got arthritis. I wear a hearing aid, spent 1000s with private teachers but none of them showed me anything I learnt in this system - especially what I learnt on day 1!"
No Theory
Easy To Follow
Improves Chord Changes
Boosts Motivation
No Scales Needed
Play REAL songs From Day 1
Improves Memory
Improves Dexterity
Fast Workouts
Here's How The 7-Day Transformation System Will Bring More Joy and More Happiness to Your Guitar Playing (And Life)
So, here's the deal...
This is my quick, affordable, and ground-breaking course that can help you to transform your guitar playing in just 7 days.

I’ll also tell you…
Why learning from YouTube might be the WORST thing for self-taught guitarists who want to play stunning songs and avoid getting arthritis later in life.
And the secret that's... transforming hundreds of frustrated, lost and confused guitarists into REAL musicians who can play beautiful music for themselves...
...Fingerpick at will, and strum the songs that makes their heart sing...
All that and more is coming up right now.

But, if you’re here now...
Then it’s important that you read everything I’m saying while you still can.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard from guitarists who accidentally click off this page only to be unable to find their way back...
And even though everything I’m about to tell is 100% timeless and proven…
It’s NOT something you’ll find on YouTube, the internet or from your local guitar tutor.
So read on to discover exactly...
How The 7-Day Transformation System Will Instantly Bring More Joy and More Happiness to Your Guitar Playing (And Life)
Here's how it works.
Every day for 1 week...
I'll take you by the hand and give a quick bite-size lesson.
Sharing with you one of the "7 Pro Secrets" as used by the most successful guitarists ever.
You'll discover a daily secret which will rapidly fix bad habits, build muscle memory and get you playing REAL music...
The video lessons are clear, concise, and are all EASY to follow.
...And each video averages under 9 minutes long meaning they...
Will work for you even if you are super busy.
Best of all, you can do these lessons and go at your own pace.
So, here's how this system works and exactly what's inside...
Here's the game-changing daily plan...
The above 7 simple lessons are based on the 1000s of hours of teaching the "7 Pro Secrets".
You can do all 7 days in one go or you can take your time...
So your NEW experience of learning guitar is calming...
Like a boat sailing gently along on the sea...
Cherishing every moment of your victory.

There is no rush and ZERO pressure.
Every video lesson is designed to reduce overwhelm and add confidence to your playing so you can truly kick on...
Then, you'll be ready to keep the big progress going with my unique "4-minute workouts"
Ever wanted an experienced teacher to show you EXACTLY what to practice?
Well, that's how the workouts actually work.
You simply press PLAY on the video, follow along with me and then...
Watch as your fingers run up and down the fretboard, your songs sound full of life, and your confidence begins to soar like an eagle elegantly flying high in the sky.
The best thing is, the more you do it, the more the effects of the workout compound over time, giving you bigger and better results.
Each exercise will improve your dexterity, memory, musicality, chord changes, songs, timing, co-ordination, motivation, and...
The workouts are so simple, you won't even have to think about them.
"The 4-Minute Workouts are like having one-to-one lessons with Dan where he shows you exactly what to do."
There are two workouts for you exact skill level. I'll show you how exactly how to use them. Here they are...
- The "Beginner" Workout - The super simple beginner workout perfect if you are new or have struggled in the past.
- The "Early Intermediate" Workout -this will take your playing to new heights showing you the exciting pro tricks of the trade.
Gone will be your doubts as to what to practice, and gone will be those frustrating hours hopping around on YouTube but not really getting anything done.
"This is making practice so enjoyable I want to do it everyday." - Mike T.
So if you want these game-changing results...
Then you can order today and get started with these video lesson in just minutes...
But rest assured, you will get a 90-day money back guarantee so you can make 100% sure it gives you great results.
Click below to order and transform your playing today...
YES DAN! Give Me Instant Access to the 7-Day Transformation System RIGHT NOW for Just $7.00
Total Value: $679
Today Just $7
Okay, so once you hit the "YES, I want to order" this is what will happen...
You will simply fill out your details and payment, and then you will be given lifetime access to the course and...
You can start your 7-day transformation and fix all your bad habits in the next 30 seconds
So you can get watching the videos in the next 30 seconds.
Your login details will be emailed to you (so please enter your email accurately),
But you can rest assured if you have any issues...
You will also be given an email address where you can get support any time should you need it and...
If you are unsure this is for you, here's two unusual reasons why this is unlike anything else out there
This system works for two reasons:
#1 - Specifically created to be easy to finish
Did you know 93% OF COURSES never get completed?. This system though, is short and with a 98% completion rate...
...You're almost guaranteed to finish it and quickly see the transformation you've been craving.
Not only that my laid back but methodical way of teaching...
#2 - Makes using he "7 Pro Secrets" of successful guitar playing easy
This means even the most frustrated beginner can get fast results.
In each lesson you get clear instructions on precisely what to do and what not to do.
What's strange is that some guitar teachers are wonderful guitarists but don't consciously know why they are actually good.
The thing is, most guitar teachers have never even heard of these pro secrets so how can they teach them to you?
I'll explain the pro secrets in a moment but just be aware nearly all "naturally talented" players unconsciously use them.
This includes big rock stars, street musicians who captivate 1000s and even your friend who plays wonderfully well.
The problem is to discover these pro secrets often requires some luck... But they are here in one place so you don't have to waste years trying to stumble upon them yourself.
Here they are below...
Follow A Specific Plan
Play REAL Music
Practice With "Easy Focus"
Use Easy "Fragment Chords"
Jam Famous Melodies
10x Motivation
Accurate Fundamental Technique
So if you are fed up of struggling, and wait to change your playing from today, then click the link below and you can get started immediately...
If you want results starting today, and want to increase your self-belief, confidence, and get the wheels truly in motion, you can get the course today...
Because I'll take you by the hand each step of the way to help improve your technique, chord changes, songs, and ability to impress others...
...And most importantly impress yourself with your guitar playing.
If you think you need "talent", think again as these students show "talent" is a myth...
"I look forward to picking up my guitar every day!"

I'm a returning student from childhood. I used to be hopeless. You are covering things that other instructors are not and it's making things fun and I'm growing at a pace that is comfortable for me.
Mary Ann W.
School Teacher
"Fill in the gaping holes in your playing"

You seem to have looked at what other guitar tutors put across, then you cover it all, but you fill in the gaping holes of information that most others just gloss over.
Ted Grimes
"Exactly what I need to boost motivation to practice."

Dan has done it again! This is exactly what I, an old fart, need to boost my fingerstyle technique and motivation to practice.
Jim Marshall
Anyway, I want to wrap this up by saying where do you want to be with your playing?
1000s of guitarists out there are making big progress every day with this simple system every day, and the question is, do you want to join them?
I'd love to help you too so to help you make a decision today...
When you order the 7-Day Transformation System (Normally $197 for Just $7.00)
You will get these bonuses for FREE
Bonus #1 - Breakthrough Beginner Course
"How to start off your guitar playing journey the proper way!"
Total Value $97

Get a step-by-step mini-course that will start you off properly and with confidence. Here I teach you as if you are a brand-new beginner walking into my studio for the first time.
Fill in the blanks, learn to strum and sing, pick accurately, play a fun song, read TAB, and get my checklists of gear to get, ideal guitar to start with and more. All so you start on the right foot and never feel lost or confused.
Get This for FREE When You Order Your Copy of the 7-Day Transformation System 101 Today!
Bonus #2 - Fretboard Fireworks
"How to unlock the fretboard in 3 easy steps"
Total Value $97

Get the simple 3-step plan to unlock the fretboard. Get the keys to being able to jam any place, any time, so you NEVER get bored or feel confused when trying to use the "dusty end of the guitar".
Get my experience of jamming for 1000+ hours, with this exclusive system making the fretboard easy to understand and use without feeling like you need a PHD in rocket science!
Get This for FREE When You Order Your Copy of the 7-Day Transformation System 101 Today!
Bonus #3 - 21 Advanced Pro Secrets
"How to play like your guitar heroes"
Total Value $97

Here we take the Pro Secrets further with 21 insanely fun and powerful tips from the legends of guitar.
These hard to find tips I've painstakingly uncovered over many years are super fun, easy to apply and will potentially shave years off your learning curve.
Discover the secrets that made these legends of guitar who they are + more...
Get This for FREE When You Order Your Copy of the 7-Day Transformation System Today!
Bonus #4 - Facebook 101 Group
"Get support, advice, and help from over 1700+ others just like you"
Total Value $47

Get the secret link to join the Facebook group.
Ask questions and get help, motivation, and accountability. Support networks are proven to help YOU achieve goals improve upto 10x faster.
Where else can you find a group of like-minded others who are on the exact same journey you are?

Get This for FREE When You Order Your Copy of the 7-Day Transformation System Today!
Bonus #5 - Your Perfect First Five Songs
"How to stun yourself and others by playing these simple stunning songs"
Total Value $47

Tried playing a song to someone, but they had no clue what it was. It's heartbreaking.
So forget the boring strumming songs, instead learn one of these instantly recognisable 1-minute melodies. All 5 songs are super simple to play, insanely impressive, instantly recognisable and VERY famous song. Includes House of the Rising Sun, Happy Birthday, Amazing Grace, and more..
Get This for FREE When You Order Your Copy of the 7-Day Transformation System Today!
And this is what just a handful of Facebook users are saying about the 7-Day Transformation System

Gordon Lynch This course represents a gold mine of fingerstyle technique and advice for guitarists of all levels.
Like • Reply • 4h

Mollie Dishal Your wonderful course now has me learning fingerstyle on my new steel string guitar…Your technique in teaching is perfect in clarity and pacing toward working step by step toward mastery.
Like • Reply • 4h

Carlos Garcia I love it! If a person like me who has a brain injury can learn some patterns anyone who wants to learn fingerstyle picking should get this. I'm no pro, still learning, but I'm happy with my purchase. Thanks Dan for taking the time to help wannabe guitar players like me.

Like • Reply • 10h

Nancy Saber Omricon Bought Fingerstyle 101. Actually forgot I'd bought it because I was doing another program. Finally started using it and my gains have been incredible, thank you!!!
Like • Reply • 1h

Marc Anderson I am almost 63. I bought my first guitar about 6 months ago. I have stubby, arthritic fingers... and I'm having the time of my life. I won't quit because of courses like Dan's. Every day I learn something new, and really it is just for me. Thank you, Dan.
Like • Reply • 5h
Get clear and precise lessons from a qualified teacher...
If you've bought any typical guitar courses before but
Frankly, those courses were a waste of time and money, but here's why this is different...
You might be thinking, this all sounds good, but why should I learn from you?
Good question.
First, I'm Dan from Birmingham (U.K., not Alabama)
And even though I make 99% of my income online...
I still love teaching in person, taught over 10,000 hours of lessons over 11 years, experienced the highs and lows of music while playing countless shows...
And unlike most teachers, I'm actually qualified to teach you.
My 1st ever Registry of Guitar Tutors certificate!

...But far more importantly for you, I get REAL results for students from DAY 1.
Here's me below playing a show supporting a huge band in the U.K.
I hate seeing students be frustrated by the guitar for years on end...
That's why I have made this system available to everyone... and...

That is why it's so INEXPENSIVE...
Simply because your decision today may be the difference between you reaching your guitar playing dreams...
...or letting your dreams gather dust in the attic along with your guitar....
So let me wrap it up by asking...
What else can you buy for just $7?
Not even a poorly built cheap capo from Amazon...
...or maybe a greasy slice of pizza.
Either way this investment will allow you to...
Play for yourself, jam with others, show off to your friends, the choice is yours...
The possibilities are endless
Now, I know you probably don't want to be like Clapton and play the Royal Albert Hall or Woodstock...
... but I do know you want to enjoy life, music, and play the songs on guitar that makes your heart sing.
Who wouldn't want that?
So take a moment to...
Imagine what it would be like to be confident enough to play your guitar anywhere
Picture this...
You have a few friends over for drinks and BBQ.
One says "Go, play us a tune".
So you take a sip of beer and enjoy the cool taste in the evening sun and confidently you pick up your guitar.

Your friends watch in excitement as the beautiful music you play on guitar washes over them like a waterfall and resonates through your soul...
As your friends are in awe of your new musical skills.
You now feel confident that you can tackle any song, and you're free of the shackles and struggles of the past.
Life is short, and you live it fully, feeling vibrant, energetic, and youthful with your guitar in hand.
...All without a care in the world...
If you're fed up with starting over and over, now is your time to play with a smile on your face

Music is like a soundtrack of our lives.
And no doubt want to play the songs that remind you of your parents, a teenage crush, times on the beach, the first dance from your your wedding...
...Or the song that brings back the memories of when your kids walked for the first time.
...But not only that, it's time to make new memories with the guitar.
All these special memories can now be at your fingertips.
In less than one week you can be a confident guitarist with a clear plan going forward after that week is finished...
It's time to be the guitarist you deserve to be so let's make your musical dreams come true starting today.
"Impressed my OTHER HALF with my first song today and I only started yesterday. Move over Eric Clapton. Haha" - Denise

You might ask, what's the catch?
Why am I getting all this for just $7?
There is NO catch!
You're not getting tricked into any monthly payment or anything like that.
Just one payment for $7 and that's it.
This is NOT a sneaky trial or anything like that.
We all know there are websites that secretly stick you into a program that charges your card every month.
This is NOT one of them. There's NO hidden "continuity program" or anything like that.
But in case you're wondering why I'm doing this... Well, there are actually a few reasons...
You can start in 30 seconds and be on the road to transforming your playing immediately.
You're going to get all this with lifetime access and you can take the course and do the "4-Minute workouts" as many times as you like...
And go at a pace that is 100% comfortable for you.
So, if you want this, click the link below and join us today...
Time is of the essence
This is a limited time offer at this price
...But we should say all this stuff isn't going to be $7 forever though.
I'm going to end up increasing the price of the core course because although I want to get it out there to as many new students as possible
Cost of advertising on Facebook has gone through the roof. But also, some of the bonuses, I'll probably sell separately.
So if you want it, do act today, click the button below and get it today because it's not going to be here forever.
My Crazy Money-Back 100% Guarantee you will love it
And if you do get it and you don't like it, you get all your money back...
Simply ask in 90 days and my team will give you an instant refund. And you can still keep the course.
But I want you to be blown away by it. I'm going to help motivate you but...
You must act fast
This is truly limited time offer, so get your copy before they are all gone
To wrap it up, I hope you get the course because if you do, you will love it.
You are at a crossroads.
Do you carry on trying as you have done, probably for far longer than you would like, or do you take a small chance on this proven system to bring more focus, motivation, structure and ultimately more joy to your guitar playing, and life?
And if you're on the fence, don't forget, you get my 90-day no questions asked money-back guarantee.
The guitar will will give you more happiness in life, more self-belief in everything you do, and the unique musical ability to wind down and relax at the end of the day.
...And even improve your relationships by playing for friends (you will have the confidence to do so),
I want to get this into your hands because I know how this can transform your guitar playing forever.
Thanks again,
Dan Thorpe
P.S. If you're like me, you may have just skipped to the bottom of the page to see what the deal was.
If so, here it is...
You're going to get the 7-Day Transformation System with the 4-Minute Workouts. (instant download or you can stream it anywhere in the world) .
This features the 7 Pro Secrets most people simply just don't know about, and this system is the exact same one I use with private students who spend $1000s per year You will learn the exact lessons that take them from frustrated to elated in a week's worth of lessons.
I spent over 11 years perfecting this course. I show you this, all in a step-by-step way NOW.
This is perfect for struggling beginners and those new to guitar and I'll take you by the hand and increase your confidence, technique and motivation and show you how to play stunning music in just 1 week.
And it’s only $7.
No contract. No sneaky hidden membership.
Just a single one-time payment where you can access the videos in the next 30 seconds.
Plus, you have a 90-day money back guarantee.
So if you want to click the button below to get started...
Plus... Here's just a handful of the 629+ reviews my books have got on Amazon so far
I should say, The 7-Day Transformation System is ONLY available here...
...But, to show you these lessons are for real, you may be interested to read just some of the 629+ Amazon reviews for my books...
Fingerstyle 101 and The Ultimate Guide To Strumming. These highlight how powerful my methods can be...

Frequently Asked Questions
Yep. 93% of all courses NEVER get finished. That annoys me. Most are tooooooo long. This course is short, powerful, and like a Eric Clapton guitar riff, packs a big punch.
It's made for you to complete in one week, yep just one week. Them you have the 4-Minute Workouts to keep driving your playing forward for the weeks and months beyond that.
Unlike the endless books and courses out there courses has been proven to give students like you the game-changing transformation you desire.
The answer is a 100% YES. One of the big bonuses that comes along with this system is the Breakthrough Beginner course (worth $97 but FREE to you today).
This super simple course is like you walking in my studio for the first time, and me showing you EXACTLY what to do. Inside you will discover how to begin with confidence, good technique, avoid bad habits, and play your first piece of stunning and famous music.
Not to brag but students pay me $1000 per hours for confidence building lessons, and I've taught them 100s of time, yet you get them for free.
Once you have taken Breakthrough Beginner you will be 100% ready for the main course which will take your playing to new heights at a pace that suits you.
It is 100% secure. We use https, the latest high tech website protection, and have daily website scans to make sure we are 100% secure.
The course will show you exactly where you have been going wrong with your chords and all your technique.
No one really teaches proper technique. The classical world of guitar tuition does but it can be boring and a bit "stuffy". Unless you are classically trained you've probably not been taught the concepts of "Minimum Pressure Required", positive muscle memory, and Focused Repetitive Practice.
This course covers all this for but in fun and laid back easy to follow way.
Yes, you can instantly download ALL the videos in both HD and a lower resolution (which is good for slow internet connections or if you have limited hard drive space).
You can also stream the course in the members' area of my site where you can track your progress, interact with other members and leave comments where you'll get any questions answered.
That's a fair question. I would honestly think the same, but I'm here to tell you this is legitimate. I've taught over 10,000 hours of lessons and this is my life's work.
I want to help as many guitarists out there as possible because to be frank, I find it a little heart-breaking so many people struggling out there for years and even decades.
Seeing the transformation of the students from sad to happy, made it all worth the long hours. Many Had been trying for 30,40, or even 50 years, and seeing them play the music of their dreams in a very short space of time has been amazing.
I want the same for you, but if you don't find it useful or that it's not what you expect, simply email my team, and we will give you a 100% refund instantly... no questions asked, and I won't even know. but you will still get to keep the course.
That's how much I believe in this.
© 2022 Dan Thorpe Guitar Ltd