Struggling or beginner guitarist aged 40+? If so, check out author Dan Thorpe’s series of 7 eBooks, now with a brand new guide to improving the “7 stumbling blocks” of guitar playing.

How to overcome the “Seven Stumbling Blocks of Learning Guitar” so you can play the songs you love and have more fun

“All the over-hyped YouTube videos teaching 'guitar hacks' or 'easy ways' are amusing,” says this guitar teacher who has helped over 120 real-life students and many 1000s more around the world.

“If you want to make confident, steady, and enjoyable progress to overcome the issues that plague most beginners, then I can help you with a clear plan to follow.”

Did you know there are seven big stumbling blocks that trip up most beginner and struggling guitarists?

If you have played for a while and feel frustrated, “too old to learn” or like you “have no talent”, read on because…

Although there is no magic solution…

After years of teaching over 120 real students who are probably like you…

I have created seven step-by-step eBooks to help solve these seven specific issues so…

You can make quick but realistic progress on your guitar…

Allowing you to have more fun relaxing with your guitar, playing your favourite songs, keeping your brain sharp, and most of all so you can…

Get back that excitement to pick up the guitar every single day.

To get to this point, you have to get past what I call the “seven stumbling blocks” of learning guitar.

Let me ask you, how many of these do you struggle with to some degree?

  1. 1
    Poor technique (meaning sore fingers and awkward playing)
  2. 2
    Slow chord changes
  3. 3
    Sloppy strumming and no rhythm
  4. 4
    No confidence and no fun!
  5. 5
    Having no set plan
  6. 6
    Buzzing barre chords
  7. 7
    No long-term guide (once the above basics are sorted)

If you struggle with even just two or three of the above, you will be pleased to know…

A while back, I put together my specific methods, all created from years of teaching real students, into seven short, step-by-step eBooks so…

You too can make real progress just like my private students have done and continue to do so to this day (but at about 1% of the cost)…

The eBooks feature zero fluff, and are all laid out in short and easy-to-follow steps, specifically created to…

Help you on the road to
Fixing your guitar-playing frustrations in a clear way
As soon as you begin using them.

The eBooks are powerful, but they won’t make you Clapton overnight (nothing will).

After all, there is no magic bullet for your guitar playing.

The advice and lessons require practice, perseverance, and an openness to new ideas. If you have that…

You may find these eBooks a breath of fresh air…

Especially if you have tried learning via YouTube, because…

The truth is, learning in a random way is BAD for beginners and…

Most YouTube “teachers” have never taught more than the odd lesson, so they don’t really know the struggles people like you have when learning guitar.

The lessons in these eBooks are all taken from my decade-long experience of teaching guitar full time to beginners so…

You can rest assured nothing in these eBooks is random.

Instead, each eBook is laid out properly with a structure so you can now…

Fix the 7 most frustrating areas of your guitar playing as, and when, needed with these short and direct eBooks

Each of these eBooks has been specifically created to improve, fix, and nurture the “seven stumbling blocks of learning guitar” as described above. They are:

  1. 1
    Essential Guitar Technique
  2. 2
    Lightning Fast Chord Changes
  3. 3
    Strumming 101
  4. 4
    The QuickStart 7-Day Guitar Plan
  5. 5
    The Straight Up, No B.S. Six-Month Guide
  6. 6
    How to Play Barre Chords
  7. 7
    The Intermediate Guitar Guide

Each eBook is available as a PDF so you can read them on your PC, Mac, phone, tablet, or your device of choice.

They are perfect for the absolute and struggling beginner.

The eBooks grow with you, so as you get better you can move on to the later books in the series (e.g. barre chords and the intermediate guide).

In short, they start off with the basics and will be a good investment for your current and future playing.

Dan Thorpe’s Super eBook bundle

Get all 7 of these eBooks

Each eBook costs between $17 and $27 on its own.

If you were to buy them separately, these eBooks would cost $149.

Now, you can get them with a big discount…


Just one easy payment and you get lifetime access with a 90-day money-back guarantee.

NO recurring or monthly fees.

If you have any of these eBooks but would still like the bundle deal, email me at where I can offer alternative eBooks or discounts. 

To find out more about each eBook and how they will help you fix the “7 stumbling blocks”, read on…

eBook #1:

Essential Guitar Technique – 19 Step-By-Step Lessons on How to Play Guitar With Less Pain and More Enjoyment

Solves stumbling block #1 – poor technique

Poor technique means… slow progress, sore fingers, and music which, frankly, doesn’t sound very musical.

Every song and piece of music you play on guitar is built on your technique, which makes this the most important of the “seven stumbling blocks” to fix.

  • Features 19 of the most important lessons I have discovered in nearly 10 years of full-time teaching.
  • Learn the quickest way to prevent sore fingers and quickly erase tension.
  • The one strumming tip that may instantly change your tone from harsh to pleasant.
  • The 2-minute “Air Claw” exercise to improve your finger dexterity.
  • Plus… how to develop your pinkie, stop your hand aching using the “Light thumb”, the rarely taught method for upstrums, and more…
  • Each lesson is short, at 2-3 pages, and comes with diagrams, TAB, and full instructions.

Most beginners (and even many experienced players) struggle for far too long with poor technique. Fix these issues with this eBook so you can experience enjoyable progress with your playing.

Thanks, Dan for another excellent eBook. Well done, my boy, that’s what I like to see, unfortunately, my guitar playing has stalled a little due to ill health, but I am strumming my way back thanks to the eBook. 

Allan Ridley

eBook #2:

Lightning Fast Chord Changes                                    

Solves stumbling block #2 – slow chord changes

Did you know that slow and awkward chord changes are the reason why most beginner guitarists quit the guitar?

That is why this eBook was written, and it builds upon book #1 to help you learn:

  • The 6 specific steps I have used to improve the chord changes of 120+ one-to-one students.
  • The “pro secret” chord-changing tip that many guitarists don’t know about until they stumble upon it (often years later).
  • How to use the “Lift-up”, “Diamond”, and “Blast” methods to quickly improve changes between tricky chords like C to D and Am to F, etc.
  • The single most important change you can make to your thumb position for faster chord changes.
  • Plus, which chords you can “pivot”, the “Time Trial” exercise, and more…

This is the only eBook I know of written on the subject of chord changes, yet fixing this stumbling block is crucial to your success, especially when learning to play songs.

Learn how to fix and speed up your chord changes once and for all in this short and succinct guide.

A fantastic resource for learning to make chord changes on the guitar. The information is explained so well that it’s easy to notice immediate improvement, which kept me wanting to practise and did not feel like a chore. Worth the small investment! Highly Recommended!

Amazon Reviewer

eBook #3:
Strumming 101: How to Strum Your Guitar Like a Pro!

Solves stumbling block #3 – sloppy strumming

The retired but youthful Chris was one of my first students and was my most difficult. He struggled for ages, trying to strum songs like “Brown Eyed Girl” – made worse by the fact that his daughter picked it up in minutes.

Well, we went back to basics to build up his rhythm skills step by step. As he grew in confidence, he learnt the “big 5 strumming patterns”, so he could play more songs and even jam with his daughter with joy.

She was delighted and proud of her dad’s progress, and they still jam to this day.

These exact lessons with Chris are the main inspiration behind this eBook.

  • Discover 5 of the most useful strumming patterns ever – allowing you to play 1000s of classic songs.
  • How to improve your strumming skills using a simple 1-note rhythm exercise.
  • With easy-to-use chord charts, strumming diagrams, and audio tracks.
  • Work out the strumming patterns for the songs you love, understand rhythm, sub-divisions, the terminology, and more…
  • The simple secret to varying your strumming patterns like pros such as Paul McCartney, Cat Stevens, Eagles, Ed Sheeran, Joni Mitchell, etc. do.

Get this straight to the point and no-nonsense eBook on the basics of strumming which so many guitarists struggle with… and learn the exact steps to help make you a confident strummer.

This is a GREAT eBook. Short, to the point, and covers one of the most essential techniques of playing guitar. The author teaches the five most common strumming patterns, each with a variation. He provides a link to a sound file for every pattern/variation, which helps a ton.

This eBook really delivers on its promise. If you’re on the fence, I feel like even one strumming pattern in here is worth the price. After all, how many would you get taught in a half-hour lesson?

Brad Carroll

Let me stop you briefly to make two important points regarding two things you are probably curious about…

Point #1 – These eBooks do NOT require a big time commitment.

Use the eBooks as, and when, needed. You can read them in one sitting and one 5-minute lesson from one of these eBooks can help you solve a frustrating issue so you can get on with enjoying your playing.

Some students like to digest the eBooks in a conventional way, some like to dip in and out of them, but either way, they are NOT hard work and DO NOT require lots of time.

Point #2 – The step-by-step plan is all laid out for you

If you lack confidence, you will be pleased to know I will guide you so you will know exactly which eBook to read and when to read it.

In short, if you want a book the size of War and Peace, these are NOT the ones for you. These books are quick and direct so you can rage war on the problems in your playing and so you can have peace of mind when you learn going forward (see what I did there).

If this sounds exciting, read on to find out more about the other three eBooks in the set (a few of which may surprise you)…

eBook #4:
The QuickStart 7-Day Guitar Plan

Solves stumbling block #4 – No confidence and no fun

When learning guitar, I wasted countless hours trying things. 

I would hop back and forth from one song or technique to the next. Most of it I forgot within days. Why?

...Because it was all so complicated, boring, and there was no structure.

I made it my mission to get you to have FUN and play with CONFIDENCE from today.

It's all inside my short, easy-to-digest 7-day QuickStart guide and here's what you'll get:

  • Day 1 - The #1 piece of advice I give all students on how to end the curse of the "Death Grip" once and for all!
  • Day 2 - Learn two instantly recognisable and famous tunes that anyone can play.
  • Day 3 - How to play your chords with precision so buzzing chords NEVER trip you up again
  • Day 4 - Why you pluck the wrong strings and how to solve it today for good.
  • Day 5 - The unusual secrets of strumming with clarity and groove just like the pros!
  • Day 6 - Discover 7 little-known tips to transform your playing in just minutes and improve ALL your songs.
  • Day 7 - My favourite dexterity exercise, which will give you nimbler fingers and it can even help you improve your barre chords.

....Plus, how to play the most popular song I've ever taught. This is easily one of the most beautiful beginner-friendly guitar songs out there and I teach it to all my students (usually in their first few weeks of lessons).

No more spinning your wheels. Instead, use this clear plan and in just one week you will see game-changing and confidence-building progress in your playing. 

Dan’s approach helps not only learning the guitar, but also taking the stress out of it. His simple approach is fun, and really pays off!

Logan Hager

eBook #5:
The Straight Up, No B.S. Guide to Becoming a Guitar Ninja in the Next Six Months

Solves stumbling block #5 – having no set plan

If you are a beginner, I bet there have been times you have watched video after video on YouTube but still made no REAL progress. If so, you need goals. This short eBook will give you them...

  • Get a 7-step practice routine specifically designed for beginners.
  • Learn the 5 chords you should start off with that will allow you to play countless songs you love.
  • A “fill in the blanks” 6-month plan you can easily personalise to suit your style.
  • 3 simple tips to help you improve your aural skills, which all beginners should do (involving a funny little exercise from Joe Satriani)
  • Discover what gear is essential and how to stop wasting time and money on unnecessary equipment.
  • Plus… get tips for staying motivated during the "dark days", learn the two most useful finger dexterity exercises, and more…

Very helpful loved it


eBook #6:

How to Play Barre Chords: The Simplified Guide

Solves stumbling block #6 – buzzing barre chords

Does this sound like you…?

You try to learn barre chords – but as they are hard, you give up, try again, give up again, and… the dreaded cycle continues.

If you find it frustrating that you hear constant buzzing every time you play an F barre or if your hand aches when you try barres, stop what you are doing and try this method instead:

  • Learn how to fix the one mistake 99% of guitarists make with barre chords.
  • Get 7 simple tips you can learn today to make real improvements to your barre chord technique.
  • Discover the “Barre Chord Formula” to help you work out any barre chord at any time.
  • Find the exact instructions on how to position your barre finger for maximum success, which helps to reduce playing pain.
  • Learn 12 superb-sounding barre chord extensions that will help make your playing more vibrant, exciting, and fun.
  • Finally, play barres without pain and frustration – once and for all.

The bottom line is this – learn the 4 key barre shapes, with these specific techniques… and the number of songs and styles you can play will increase.

It is never too early to start playing barre chords, but you must do so the proper way.

Straightforward, practical, and an understandable approach to playing barre chords. The advice is excellent, and the suggested exercises are stellar. No guitarist worthy of the name can afford to be without it!

William S. Pepper

eBook #7:

The Intermediate Guitar Guide

Solves stumbling block #7 – no long-term guide

Do you watch other guitarists in awe and think, “I’ve played for years, but why can’t I do that?”, and “Why am I stuck playing the same old things?”

Once the previous stumbling blocks are fixed and sorted, most guitarists randomly aim to improve, but…

What you need is a specific plan, and in this book, you will learn the following…

  • Train your ears like a pro with the “Aural Association Method”.
  • Learn the highly sought-after embellishment technique in the style of Jimi Hendrix, Jimmy Page, Red Hot Chili Peppers, and more.
  • Discover the F.R.A.T. practice routine, which focuses on the important skills needed for intermediates.
  • 2 x short and medium-term practice routines to get you comfortable with the fretboard.
  • Learn the “Ultimate Warm-up” – a simple routine and technical exercise that will improve your guitar speed, dexterity, accuracy, and plenty more…

This is a book that will make a great medium to long-term investment when you are ready for it. It builds well on top of all the others and will help to take your playing further. With this guide, you too can be that guitarist – the one that many are envious of.

This eBook is fantastic. The author clearly has a wealth of knowledge and experience in regard to this instrument! It is suitable for new or experienced guitarists and I would highly recommend it. 

Lee t

Make steady progress each day and feel the joy of making music you love

Most of my students are like you probably are...

In that they just want to play the songs they love, keep their brain sharp, and have some relaxing fun.

That is why these eBooks are specifically written for people like you, so they can help struggling beginners improve.

Believe in yourself, because, like my many students who succeed, you can do it too.

Just imagine in a few months’ time, having rock-solid confidence in yourself where…

You relax in the evening sun with birds chirping above as the music you play washes over you, adding a peaceful tranquillity to your day.

You play through a repertoire of the songs you love and beautifully too. Some of these songs bring back special memories from your life. The vibrations of the strings resonate along your chest and into your heart as you play and you are lost in the moment, feeling…

Proud of how far you have come… knowing you truly belong as a guitarist…

This is how many of my students feel and believe me, it is possible for you too.

Get these bonus guides...

Order the Super eBook bundle today and as well as getting the above 7 eBooks, you will also get these PDFs to give you even more fun...

Getting Started With Fingerstyle PDF

A super fun look at playing simple fingerpicking and melodies WITHOUT chords.

Yes, you don't need chords to play beautiful music and this simple guide will show you 6 clear steps to playing stunning music...

...So you too can create your own wonderful fingerpicking pieces. 

Two-Finger Awesome Chords PDF

Dan Thorpe

Learn 12 new and easy-to-play two-finger chords, using 5 shapes that will give you lush-sounding chord extensions and that are a breeze to play. Sophisticated chords shouldn’t be hard!

Features audio, TAB, and useful tips on how to play simple, easy, and fun two-finger chords that sound great for a bit of quick fun.

'Your First Five Songs' PDF 

Dan Thorpe

Bored of playing songs no one recognises? Forget that, instead play these instantly recognisable "1-minute melodies."

All 5 songs are easy to play and VERY famous. Includes "House of the Rising Sun", "Amazing Grace", and more. If you want to play famous tunes without hours of painstaking practice, this is for you.

...And if that's not enough

Plus, this bundle comes with a fun quiz to help you learn even faster...

There is a lot of research that highlights the fact that...

...Quizzes and tests can help you process, understand, and use the lessons you learn faster.

This is why I created my Who Wants to Be a Musical Millionaire quiz. The quiz is a fun way to test you and has been specifically created for the bundle.

Here’s how it works:

  • Specific to the bundle - All the questions are specifically about the lessons inside the 7 eBooks in this bundle.
  • Starts off easy and gets gradually harder - There are 120 points in total and your aim is to get 120 points. Can you hit the jackpot?
  • Aim for the maximum points - Get that and it will show you have understood and learnt many of the key points in the bundle. 
  • Fun and practical - By the way, you can retake this quiz (which is exclusive to this bundle), as many times as you like.

Get years’ worth of knowledge for the price of a 30-minute lesson

These eBooks contain the same helpful advice I give my private students who pay me £2000+ per year.

They were for sale on Amazon, BUT due to them upping their fees and ripping writers off, I removed the books from Amazon.

Now, they are only available for sale here on my site…

You have the choice, pay anywhere from $17 to $27 for each one of these eBooks on their own or…

Get them together in this bundle where they complement each other and, where combined, they are greater than the sum of their parts.

Think of the 7 eBooks as 7 different wrenches needed to fix and fine-tune the engine of a classic car, like a ’57 Chevy.

Each wrench has a specific function and will help take the car from a spluttering piece of junk.

...To being a high-performance machine cruising at breakneck speeds down the freeway.

These eBooks are the wrenches for your guitar playing, and your playing is the engine.

100% Money-Back Guarantee!

These eBooks will absolutely, 100% change your guitar playing positively and if they don’t you have 90 days to get a refund.

I'm not offering a least not in the "traditional" sense.

I don't believe in them.

A typical money-back guarantee gives you a way to back out from achieving what you want. It allows you to give up on something that you want to achieve. Not having a guarantee means you MUST take action and get on the road to achieving your goals.

...BUT here's what I am offering.

If you actually DO the exercises and give the lessons your time and effort (and you can show me you have), I'll GLADLY refund you.

I haven't had a single refund yet.

I'm doing this because I truly believe it's the best way to ensure you succeed. I know it's easy to just refund something because you're "too busy", but I offer this type of guarantee because I KNOW you can succeed with this.

Frequently Asked Questions

I have purchased one or more of the eBooks before, but want the bundle. Can you offer me a discount?

Yes, simply email me at telling me exactly what eBook or eBooks you bought, and I will give you a coupon code with a discount.

I have your Strumming 101 eBook already. If I buy the bundle, can I swap this eBook for another?

Yes, if you have any of the eBooks in the bundle already and would like to swap an eBook, simply let me know which book(s) you have and choose from these to add to the bundle:

  • Fingerstyle 101 – the most in-depth guide on fingerpicking out there
  • The Ultimate Guide to Strumming – everything you need to know about strumming
  • In Focus – Learn 12 tips, tricks, licks, and guitar lessons to become the ultimate guitar pro!
  • Christmas Chords – How to play 5 classic Christmas Carols on fingerstyle guitar

I am interested in the bundle, but doubt I would get time to master all the books.

There is no need to try to “master” all these eBooks.

Each eBook is designed to solve the specific issue in question so you can use them as you need them.

Dip in and out as needed or read them in one go – the choice is yours, but as the materials are simple and easy to use, you can just follow one chapter, apply the information, close the eBook, and focus on your playing.

Use as you need.

I struggle with technology and digital stuff

Technology is great when it works. When it doesn’t it, makes my blood boil.

That is why I have me, and Sofija, on hand to give you support. You will get clear instructions on how to download, store, and read the eBooks on your PC, Mac, phone or tablet.

I suffer from arthritis and my fingers won’t do what I want them to do. Will this help?

Essential Guitar Technique is what you need. This is the eBook all students should read first. It will help relax your fingers, make them nimbler, and give you more dexterity.

This is the ground-floor book for an epic skyscraper. Once you have a solid base, the other books will be like the Empire State Building, as they can build steadily on top of this strong and stable foundation.

You are from the UK but charge in US dollars. Why?

Simply because over 75% of my students are in the US and the rest have a good understanding of how dollars convert to their own currency.

It would be too complex to sell in every currency out there to cater to all my students in the four corners of the world.

I need a plan for my playing. I’m fed up with watching random YouTube videos. Will this help?

Absolutely, while YouTube is good for those who can already play, it’s pretty terrible for beginners, as these students need more guidance, not random tips.

These eBooks are strategic, like a military operation, with the advice marching you along to a solid beat so you are prepared and confident at each step.

Better than that, I give you a plan for how best to use the eBooks and in which order.

Have a question yourself?

Email me at and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

A summary of the seven eBooks in the bundle and what they will do for you…

The eBooks You Will Get…

1 – Essential Guitar Technique

2 – Lightning Fast Chord Changes

3 – Strumming 101

4 – The QuickStart 7-Day Guitar Plan

5 – The Straight Up, Six-Month Guide

6 – How to Play Barre Chords

7 – The Intermediate Guitar Guide

Which stumbling block it solves…

Issue #1 – Poor Technique

Issue #2
– Slow Chord Changes

Issue #3
– Sloppy Strumming

Issue #4
– No Confidence and No Fun!

Issue #5
– Having No Set Plan

Issue #6
– Buzzing Barre Chords

Issue #7
– No Long-Term Guide (Once the Above Basics Are Sorted)


NOTE: These are eBooks NOT physical copies.

Dan Thorpe’s Super eBook bundle

Get all 7 of these eBooks with a big Discount

Each eBook costs between $17 and $27 on its own.

If you were to buy them separately, these eBooks would cost $149.

Now, you can get them with a big discount…


P.S. You DON’T need a PayPal account to purchase. You CAN use a debit or credit card.

Once purchased, you will get lifetime access to the books, so if you download them, and your PC/Mac/Phone or device breaks, you do not have to worry, simply log in and you can download them again, anytime.

If you ever forget your password, you can just hit “Lost password” and it will be sent to your email address, or simply email us for help.

Remember, these eBooks are here to help you solve the conundrums of the “seven stumbling blocks” that most beginners struggle with.

How much would it be worth to you to fix these areas so you can make progress with your playing each and every day?

...Allowing you to play the songs you love and knowing you can keep progressing and having fun, just like you have probably always wanted to with the guitar?

© 2023 Guitar Domination - Fingerstyle 101