Discover a step-by-step method for how to play barre chords so you can achieve guitar playing freedom

Did you know most guitarists practise barre chords using poor technique AND too much pressure? 

  • At best, this leads to potentially wasted years of trial and error.
  • At worst, it can lead to strains, pain, and even long-term joint injuries.

Unfortunately, using poor technique and too much pressure is very common. 

If you have sore hands, achy fingers, or feel in any pain after trying to play barre chords, you are probably making these two common errors.

Thankfully though, there is a better method.

Hi, I'm Dan Thorpe.

An experienced guitar teacher (of 120+ real-life students).

I have spent years fixing student's barre chord technique and developing a step-by-step method of teaching students to succeed with barre chords. 

Today, I want to teach you about this method that makes learning barre chords easier... 

It is a method that will give you the ability to play many more songs, build good habits and confidence... All while learning barre chords in a more enjoyable and pleasant manner.

This method uses a key aspect of classical guitar, it will help you avoid "YouTube Syndrome", and is something anyone can learn (minus a certain exception)...

Keep reading to find out more...


The Ultimate Guide to Barre Chords

Below I will explain exactly what is in this HD video course, but first:

Who's it for?

This course is for all guitarists who struggle with barre chords but especially those learning later on in life (as those are the people who I specialise in teaching).

Here is just some of what is inside the course:

  • A unique system on how to master barre chords in a shorter space of time than the conventional way of learning them.
  • How to play the four basic barre shapes, giving you 48 new chords you can use in 1000s of classic songs.
  • Discover the 9 essential barre exercises, such as the "Anti-Tension" drill.
  • Learn the unusual method of 'bouncing', which will help you practise barres for longer and with less fatigue.
  • The '4 Golden Rules' of learning barre chords (break these rules at your peril).
  • How to give your "auxiliary fingers" a military drill sergeant workout - enabling future ongoing fluency.
  • Features multiple fun musical examples ranging from fingerpicking folk, pop, blues, and acoustic rock.
  • Download or stream every video - useful if you have a slow internet connection.
  • Plus, new for 2021: Monitor your progress with our new LMS software making the course easier to use and allowing you to track progress at every stage.
  • Unlock the fretboard! How barre chords can even help you learn every note on the fretboard.

Plus, learn faster using something called Varied Practice. This is a proven method of learning where you break up the learning process using frequent variations.

This is why you get the HD videos, audio tracks to play along with, and visual diagrams. All of this is to give you a plan and make the learning process smoother for you.

Speaking of having a plan, read this.:

Why you will NOT need another random YouTube lesson again when it comes to learning barres

Ah, "YouTube Syndrome".

This is where you try learning from YouTube. Yet, you find no plan, little direction, and teachers who rarely teach real students.

This is the place where you probably hear barre chord advice like "just press harder".

That is terrible advice for when learning barre chords and should be avoided like the bubonic plague. 

This course is nothing like that.

It is structured, and inside you will learn the exact techniques I teach to real-life students on a day-to-day basis... The ones I help at every step of their journey. 

You can have confidence knowing these methods will work in the short and long term for you too.

Here's a little more about what you will learn inside:

  • Learn how to “simplify” and transform your barre chords into easier to play non-barre versions.
  • Why the 'light as a feather barre' technique can help your fingers float into position making barres actually pleasant to play. 
  • How to embellish your barre chords for a cool, classy, and very “Hendrix-esque” sound.
  • How a yoga tip helped a struggling student go from having rigid, claw-like tension, to finally relaxing with the guitar.
  • The most common barre chord mistake I see time and again which many teachers mistakenly encourage!
  • The most exciting chord extensions as used by James Taylor, Paul Simon, B.B. King, and many others.
  • How to once and for all fix the blood-curdling barre chord sound of dead notes buzzing.
  • How to "pre-practice" barres if you only have a few minutes per day to practise.
  • A specific quickfire way to test your barre chords.
  • The 'Zig-Zag' - a freedom and tension-reducing exercise you can learn in just 1 minute.

...And, if you have any questions, just leave a comment on any page in the course.

I will reply giving you guidance where needed - you will NOT be learning on your own.

Have you tried learning barre chords in the past but gave up because they "were too hard"? 

If so, I know how frustrating this can be.

The truth is, anyone can play barre chords. (As long as you have a decent guitar with a decent setup, that is). Here's why...

Because you will learn the exact techniques that have been proven to work for 100s of years

My methods are classically inspired (even though I teach a lot of folk, pop, and music from the '60s and '70s).

Classical guitarists have exquisite technique. 

What they play is often very demanding. They often have wide neck guitars making things even harder. To play barres on these guitars requires laser-sharp precision.

Most guitar teachers these days ignore classical technique (which is a big mistake).

Over the years I have found there are 8 specific rules that classical guitarists follow. The more of these rules you follow, the better your barres will be.

In the course, these simple rules are one of the first things you will learn.

You will also learn the classically inspired "Weighted arm" and "Crooked finger" drills so you can play barres with Segovia-like technique.

All of this is powerful - even if you don't like classical music.

It's not just about barres though, these techniques will improve all your playing. 

Like in these ways...

The surprising hidden benefits of learning barre chords

  • Music Theory - Discover how the "Barre chord formula" can make learning theory and chord progressions easier. 
  • Faster Chord Changes - Learn how to change between barre chords properly, which will help improve ALL of your chord changes.
  • Confidence - Gain confidence going forward with your playing as you realise you can beat barre chords for good!
  • Chord Extensions - How to turn all your basic barres into exotic and elegant add9, min7, 9th chords, and more (meaning endless jamming fun)...
  • Songs - Having barre chords in your repertoire will allow you to tackle pretty much any song you desire confidently.

Now, imagine this...

There’s a classic James Taylor, Eric Clapton, or Paul Simon song you want to learn.

You start off well but...

As you get further into the song, you realise it uses a barre chord or two.

In the past, you may have given up, but now…

You smile as you know you can confidently tackle the whole song.

It feels good to be able to do this as you know you can look up the chords for any song and play it well...

Without needing a capo, without fear, and without stopping halfway through.

This is how it feels to be able to play barre chords well.

All this and much more can be yours...

Before I wrap this up though, I must say though...

This course is NOT for everyone and here's why...

You are probably best off avoiding this course if you are any of the following:

An absolute beginnerIf you have played for less than 3 months, you will probably NOT be ready for this course yet. 

Exclusively into jazz or metal - This is a course with a focus on learning barres using folk, rock, pop, blues, and fingerpicking music. To enjoy it fully, you will need to have at least an interest in one or more of those styles.  

Unwilling to think "outside the box" - If you cannot be flexible with your thinking and take on board these new ideas, this course won't work. To make these methods work, you do need to adapt your thinking at least a little. 

For everyone else...

Your playing will benefit in multiple ways when you join the course, follow the instructions, and practise the exercises. 

When you purchase today, you get these exclusive bonuses...

Order today and you will get the following bonuses and extras too:

Extra #1:

Get The Barre Chords Song Bundle                   

  • Learn to play 6 handpicked barre chord songs that have been carefully selected to help you practise barres AND develop a great repertoire.
  • Includes 'Twist and Shout', 'Sittin' On the Dock of the Bay', 'Hotel California', and more classics...

Extra #2:

The Ultimate Barre Chord Podcast                                   

  • A downloadable podcast, which is a good refresher to help cement and refresh the ideas from the course. 
  • Be inspired as you listen to the stories, pitfalls, and things to avoid on your barre chord journey.

Extra #3:
How to Play the Barre Chord Song – “Barred For Life!”

  • Learn this fun, original piece of music, which is a great test of the skills you will learn in the course.
  • At 2:49 long, it contains many of the barre shapes, changes, and finger movements you are likely to encounter in popular barre songs. 

Extra #4:
The Barre Chord PDF Extras (The Cheat Sheet and Bonus Guide)                             

  • Get this printable PDF cheat sheet, which is an ideal reference and reminder of all the key shapes and patterns from the course.
  • Plus, get the previously unreleased guide 6 Powerful Quick Tips to Improve Your Barre Chords Faster Than Ever.

Extra #5:
Take the Barre Chord Challenge! (8 Chord Progressions to Test Your Barres)

  • Get these 8 unique chord charts which start simply (using just one barre chord) and then get progressively harder.
  • Each chord chart and "play-along" video will give you a methodical and fun way to measure your barre chord success.

Think you aren't good enough for barres? Read this to see how hundreds of students have succeeded so far

With many students enrolled in the course already...

Here is just some of the feedback and reviews it has had so far. 

I’m a 65-yr.-old self-taught beginner. I find your lessons and style to be among the best.

The advice you gave at the beginning of the barre course about starting on the 7th fret was worth the price all by itself. I was struggling mightily before every time I tried to get a barre chord to sound like anything but a muffled fart.

I’m going to be taking it slow and look forward to seeing what other valuable nuggets await.


I am just beginning barre chords. I have been avoiding them, and now I have some real help in conquering them. 

I have only been playing for 18 months, I love the guitar and am looking forward to beating these barre chords.


I’ve been able to play the range of bar chords for a good while now but have fallen into bad habits and grown to accept poor sound. Your series has made me look afresh at my technique, and I’m improving by leaps and bounds!


These are just some of the reviews the course received on Udemy...

Also, take a quick look at this email...

Master barre chords for just $0.54 per day

The course costs less than $0.54 per day over the course of a year.

A year of lessons with me would cost over £3000 ($4128). If you get the course, you can rest assured that you have the best of both worlds. My absolute best resource ever on barre chords, with help from me when needed, but...

At a fraction of the price of what private students pay me in one-to-one lessons, and with lifetime access.

90-Day 100% Money-Back Guarantee!

The Ultimate Guide to Barre Chords will absolutely, 100% positively change your guitar playing and if it doesn’t, you have 90 days to get an instant, no-questions-asked refund.

If you don’t enjoy big results within 90 days of using this product, I don’t deserve to keep your money.

Simply ask for a full, no-questions-asked refund and you will get it, immediately.


You can pay either by PayPal, debit or credit card and remember, there is a 90-day no-questions-asked money-back guarantee.


Hit the ‘add to cart’ button below and...

In a few minutes, you will then be enjoying this in-depth course.

One that will take you on a journey of transforming your barre chord playing, once and for all...

What you will get

  • The complete HD video course
  • With Full Diagrams, TAB & Notation
  • Download Each Video
  • Get All Your Questions Answered
  • 5 Exclusive extras and bonuses
  • 90-day money-back guarantee

Get It Today For


...Or 3 x payments of $75 each

P.S. In the course, you will get everything explained clearly, in a step-by-step method with nothing being assumed.

In other words, you will learn everything in a proper, methodical way.

I also make sure the examples, songs, and techniques are suitable for fingerstyle players and acoustic strummers looking to learn the classic songs and styles from the '60s and '70s.

Join today and master this area of your playing for good.

© 2021 Guitar Domination - Fingerstyle 101