Hold on! Here is your chance to get this exciting bundle of lessons...
Before you get your book bundle,
Would you also like this fun
Deluxe Bonus Bundle
of lessons
with 50% off?
Here's the deal...
Today you can get this bundle featuring 14 of the very best bonuses that I have released over the years.
Each lesson will help you have some quick fun when you need inspiration, motivation, or you just want something different to practice.
I encourage ALL guitarists to learn a variety of styles and learn different things.
In fact:

One rule I say to all students, especially those who are struggling, is:
"Do something fun each day, and aim to improve one tiny thing - no matter how small".
These lessons will help with this rule and will help you have more fun.
What's inside?
Plus, when you order today, you will get my no-longer-for-sale eBook, Fingerstyle Fun!
This guide will teach you how to improvise, jam, and have endless noodling, fun when fingerpicking.
Get it today, for FREE with this bundle.

Normally $74 but
Today only
Get it for
© 2021 Guitar Domination - Fingerstyle 101